Be ready to pass your next
Information Technology Specialist exams
with interesting exam-like practice tests, tasks and questions and
100% exam syllabus coverage
by TEST4U,
the leading self-training platform
since 2003
TEST4U Practice tests for Information Technology Specialist Certification Exams at a glance
- Excellence – Affordable CertPREP/GMetrix Alternative. Delivers results.
- Assurance – 30-day moneyback guarantee. Try TEST4U for up to 1 hour for free. Not satisfied? Apply for refund – No questions asked
- Variety – Many exercises so as to be fully prepared!
- Training Hours – Purchase hours for practice according to your individual needs
- Unlimited Tests – No limit to the times a question runs, unlike competitive software
- Classification – Distinct subcategories
- Feedback – Immediate evaluation of answers
- Plenitude – It covers 100% the certification syllabus
- Adequacy – Same environment as the exams’ one
- Proof – TEST4U Certificate of completion once you successfully reach 90% of training – Share it on your social media accounts
- Flexibility – Practice on any Computer
- Updates – Free access to updates
Be 100% ready for your next ITS Certification exam
Ideal for you, if you are looking to establish a foundational skill set of digital competencies, starting at the ITS Certification.
Regardless of:
- How much prior experience you have
- How familiar you are with working with such Information Technology
- How familiar you are with taking Certification exams
- How soon the exam date may be
Supported exams by TEST4U
ITS 303 – Python
Number of Questions
ITS-302 – JavaScript
Number of Questions
ITS-301 – HTML & CSS
Number of Questions
The TEST4U training modules cover the topics contained in each respective syllabus, so you can gain the skills measured in the test.
This way it provides the student with a more thorough knowledge of the above-mentioned topics and even goes a few steps further.
It contains a significantly higher number of questions than what other training software, such as GMetrix or Measure Up provide.
As quoted by Certiport:
“The Information Technology Specialist program is a way for students to validate entry level IT skills sought after by employers.”
What do you need to do?
- Cover 100% the entire Certification syllabus
- Know how to deal with questions of the same level of difficulty
- Learn how to manage time
- Become familiar with the examination environment
- Achieve all the above within a reasonable timeframe
Yes, that’s a lot of hard work.
That’s why we designed TEST4U this way.
TEST4U helps you check all these points in a precise and structured approach.
With a double functionality of training and exam preparation software, TEST4U is the only training resource you will need.
Because TEST4U:
- Gives you measurable results, so that you know how close you get to your goal
- Mimics the exam interface, so that you get familiar to the exam right from the first moment of practice
- Comes with a 1hour usage/30-day money back guarantee
Trust the IT training experts
Those are just a few of the reasons why more than 1.000.000 users decided to trust TEST4U in the first place.
More than 91% of our customers have returned to TEST4U to purchase another training module.
A few words about the Information Technology Specialist Certification exams
What does it mean to have an ITS Certificate?
If you are a student or a candidate considering to begin your career in information technology, the Information Technology Specialist is the ideal way to validate entry level IT skills sought after by employees.
Individuals earning an ITS Certification are expected to prove readiness to enter the job market, so candidates for the Certifications of the Information technology Specialist program are expected to have had at least 150 hours of instruction and/or hands-on experience with the IT topic of their choice.
What does TEST4U offer for each exam?
TEST4U has categorized all practice questions into distinct sub-categories for targeted training.
During the media-rich experience of TEST4U, you will amplify your understanding of:
Information Technology Specialist (ITS-303) Python
Candidates for the Python programming language exam (ITS-303) should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct Python code that will logically solve a given problem and recognize data types supported by Python.
In other words, candidates are expected to be familiar with the Python programming language features and capabilities and understand how to write, debug and maintain well-formed, well-documented Python code.
Information Technology Specialist (ITS-302) JavaScript
Candidates for the JavaScript exam (ITS-302) should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct JavaScript code that will logically solve a given problem and use data types supported by JavaScript.
In other words, candidates are expected to be familiar with JavaScript features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug and maintain well-formed, well-documented JavaScript code.
Information Technology Specialist (ITS-301) HTML & CSS
Candidates for the HTML and CSS exam (ITS-301) should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct HTML and CSS, structure data using HTML elements, and create and apply styles using CSS.
In other words, candidates are expected to be familiar with their features and capabilities, and understand how to write, debug and maintain well-formed HTML and CSS code.
How is TEST4U going to help me?

Covers 100% the exam syllabus

Monitors your results and you can view your progress

Trains you on Questions of same level of difficulty or higher as the exam

Gives you Immediate feedback & assistance
Choose one of our separate
exam prep courses:
ITS-301 – HTML & CSS
ITS-302 – JavaScript
ITS-303 – Python
Choose our bundle exam course, which includes:
ITS-301 – HTML & CSS
ITS-302 – JavaScript
ITS-303 – Python