Not found Word / Excel / PowerPoint / Access / Outlook
Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:11 pm
During the preparation of the test this message may appear. If you have an 64bit version of office installed then that means that there could be leftover registry 32bit keys. This can happen after an Office update.
We pinpointed the problem to the following registry keys:
If there is one more folder with the name win32 it should be deleted.
The navigation and deletion of keys in the registry is possible through the regedit.exe tool that comes installed with windows.
Deleting registry keys can harm the functionality of your applications or even your whole system. This is why you should contact us if you are not comfortable with this process.
We pinpointed the problem to the following registry keys:
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{4AFFC9A0-5F99-101B-AF4E-00AA003F0F07}\9.0\0\
- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\8.7\0\
If there is one more folder with the name win32 it should be deleted.
The navigation and deletion of keys in the registry is possible through the regedit.exe tool that comes installed with windows.
Deleting registry keys can harm the functionality of your applications or even your whole system. This is why you should contact us if you are not comfortable with this process.