- Make sure that an antivirus/firewall software is not blocking the execution
- Execute TEST4U using administrator privileges
- Install Microsoft Common Controls https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/downloa ... x?id=10019
- If your operating system is newer than Windows 7 then locate the Myprogram_setup.exe and using a right mouse click go to Properties > Compatibility. Set Windows 7 as compatibility mode for the program and try again..
- If none of the above works download and execute the following fix:
https://www.test4u.eu/downloads/Fix_for ... _Setup.zip
Problem with questions asking installation or removal of an application (MYPROGRAM_SETUP.EXE)
- TheocharisSkylitsis
- Posts: 21
- Joined: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:34 pm
Problem with questions asking installation or removal of an application (MYPROGRAM_SETUP.EXE)
In case you cannot execute the Myprogram_setup.exe, in order to answer the question, try the following suggestions.