Kornilios Ampatzis/ April 22, 2019/ Functions

It replaces part of a string, based on a start position and number of characters you specify, with a different string.

The syntax of the function is the following:

REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)

old_text: The text in which we want to replace some characters.
start_num: The starting position within the string of the old_text argument, from which the replacement will begin.
num_chars: The number of characters from the old_text argument, you want to replace.
new_text: The text that will replace the specified amount of characters in the old_text.

Click on the button to practice using this function, with the help of our Online Assessment Tool:


Here is an example of how to use the REPLACE function:

Replace the 3 characters after the comma in the text of the column A with the respective values of column B and display the results in column C. Use the proper functions.

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