Category Archives: Functions

The FLOOR.MATH Function

Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 3, 2019/ Functions

It returns a number rounded down, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. Its syntax and usage is similar to the FLOOR function.

The FLOOR Function

Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 3, 2019/ Functions

It returns a number rounded down, toward zero, to the nearest multiple of significance .


Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 3, 2019/ Functions

It returns a number rounded up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance. Its syntax and usage is similar to the CEILING function.

The CEILING Function

Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 3, 2019/ Functions

It returns a number rounded up, away from zero, to the nearest multiple of significance .

The EOMONTH Function

Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 2, 2019/ Functions

It returns the last day of the month that is a given number of months before or after the specified date.

The EDATE Function

Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 2, 2019/ Functions

It returns the date that is a given number of months before or after the specified date.


Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 2, 2019/ Functions

It returns the date that is the given number of days before or after the starting date. Weekends and holidays are excluded. The difference with the WORKDAY function is that it allows custom weekend days.

The WORKDAY Function

Kornilios Ampatzis/ May 2, 2019/ Functions

It returns the date that is the given number of days before or after the starting date. Weekends and holidays are excluded.