Over the course of my professional career I have experienced the professional route of seminars and certifications with its pros and cons.
Today, as I look back, my experience so far practically makes me competent in order to be able to judge which part of the spectrum has made the innovative difference towards the best interest of knowledge.
The key point where someone needs to stand, be it teacher or student, is the point where both have experienced the positive breakthrough via TEST4U.
A few typical examples that confirm the value of TEST4U are:
- The friendly environment of TEST4U
- The assistance provided along with TEST4U
- The wide range of knowledge that it provides, always in accordance to what the marketplace asks for
- The different types of questions that quiz4u contains, which help the students understand and consolidate the syllabus of the third grade of Senior High School course “Application Development in Programming Environment”.
Moreover, it is very important for the students that the application runs at android environment; a user-friendly environment for them.
As far as I am concerned, TEST4U has been, is and will continue to be my best partner at every level of my instructive expectations and goals.

I have passed my MOS excel exam and I need to thank TEST4U for this achievement. I would not have done it without this precious tool.
Thank you once again for your services and congrats for the excellent tool.
Professor in the University of Saint Joseph of Macao

During the Code week we used TEST4U learn to code lessons. It was a great opportunity for students to test themselves using an on-line test.
In this way they were able to test their knowledge and level they achieved. At the same time, they had the opportunity to see that what they learned is indeed useful.
We enjoyed during the lessons. It was competitive, fun and at the same time we have worked very seriously testing knowledge.
Elektrotehnička škola «Nikola Tesla», Pančevo, Serbia

I first tried TEST4U as a demo program. I looked at the demo questions and I said that this program will guarantee me to pass the exam since the book materials and exercises are not sufficient at all.
I purchased all test exams and I solved them all. When I started doing the exam, I was very confident because the exam interface is the same as TEST4U program and this is a really important point to feel comfortable with the exam interface and buttons.
Gladly, I passed all my exams and became MOS Master. Thank you TEST4U

TEST4U simplifies the learning process. You learn at your free time, from your home, the information tool that you want to specialize in, by watching video and not by reading many-paged books…
Electronic Engineer

TEST4U is an indispensable accompanying tool for my work. It provides the opportunity to practice at same environment as the examinations’ one. The answers for the questions are displayed in video form and they help the students understand the wrong answer they submitted. It helps me reduce the cost of making up for the missed lessons and absences, while at the same time it offers quick learning. It is the only test of the market that covers all the syllabus and provides the reassurance of success!!!
Informatic Applications in Management and Economy – IT Instructor
Amfilochia Aitoloakarnanias
Facebook Page: (https://www.facebook.com/panagiwta.sa)

Good afternoon,
At the Computer Educational Center e-Kapa at Patra we have been using TEST4U throughout our course!
Depending on the era we have been adjusting the use of TEST4U to the Computer training package, either as a means of practicing, as a means of co-teaching, or, particularly, as a means of teaching (cert4u). Nowadays, in 2015, Computer training, at least at the basic modules, is absolutely necessary.
The employers, either at the private or the public sector, demand that the employee knows how to operate the Computer at least at the basic level. Even the college students need to know how to use the computer correctly, because everything is performed with the help of the computer.
However, the students always ask to be trained at exactly whatever they will be examined, at the minimum amount of time, whenever they want to.
The use of TEST4U for ECDL examinations training becomes more targeted and comprehensible.
We have created training programs, where TEST4U is the basic tool and we provide unlimited practice; this results in sure success at the examinations. The syllabus is completely covered, the self-corrective videos make the students independent and sure of their performance, without insecurities. TEST4U environment helps the students become familiar with the examination environment and feel familiar with it even during the examinations, when the stress is at its high. In the same time the cost is affordable.
For us, TEST4U constitutes a reference point, helping us to get together the syllabus, solving any question of the student and not just showing the answer. There are some students who prefer to use TEST4U in combination with cert4u, especially those who are not very familiar with the computers; others use TEST4U in order to check their skills and enhance them asking the tutors’ help.
This years’ updates have resulted in TEST4U becoming faster and more user-friendly; now they include the gathering of all wrongly answered questions in one test, the creation of a test with specific questions and the option to continue the test from the point that the student has previously stopped.
At our Computer Centre, because of my professional qualification, we operate several virtual machines, which allows us to serve all our students because of our multiple activities (Cram School for High School, for University, Computer Centre, Adult learning Centre), all day long (10:00 am to 10:00 pm). We would like you to help us at this technologic step, facilitating our cooperation even further.
You are here for us and we are here for you. We will be with you in order to provide the best possible computer training.
Kafeza Evanthia
Computer & IT Engineer Computer Professor
In Charge at e-Kapa Computer Center
99 Kanakari str. & 7 Kritolaou str., Patra
Like us @ΚάΠα Portal

Athens, 28/9/2015
Since the begging of my teaching career in 1996, I have passed through all the stages of teaching difficulties that any teacher could face. Starting at the difficult era –for the trainees- of MS-DOS, the first windows and office applications and certification examinations directly at Microsoft, at an English environment, with questions in English, we go through the windows and Office versions in English and the first Certification Bodies in Greece, in order to end up in a subsequent era, when official versions were released in Greek, two were the most important stages of my teaching course so far.
The first stage around 1998, when the Educational Center where I used to work purchased from an American Company files in English, ready-for-practice, adjusted to the Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook Express applications syllabus of the time. The second one was the appearance of simulation test by infolearn.
Since then, the benefits have been many, and the most important one is the decrease of the preparation time for the exercises by the trainer and the total decrease of the attendance time of the trainee. With time and with the development of infolearn, the continuous improvement of simulation tests and the providing of more and more applications for examinations and services, the help provided to the education sector (regarding both the trainer and the trainee) is valuable.
The past 6 years, I have been working at the Transitional school of the Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals, with a population with many peculiarities that faces difficulties. Simulation test by TEST4U are indispensably accompanying my teaching. It is a good tool for my students when it comes to revision and simulation of the examination environment. Even for the students who need to be absent from the classes for therapeutic reasons, it is a quick and easy way to remember –revise. Furthermore, the video-solutions provide the students with the opportunity of practicing even when I am not available.
My long term teaching experience has led me to establish my opinion that the specific company, apart from being Greek, manages to stay informed and monitor the advancements at the education sector, while being a pioneer and providing a motive to everyone to monitor the newest advancements in Technology and Computers. It is an excellent and loyal cooperator.
Even at the examination part, by creating the Certification Body DIPLOMA, it pioneers by providing examinations and certifications for a plethora of significant applications and operating systems. My students become certified by DIPLOMA Certification Body. Apart from the variety of examination options that is provided, following the company course, DIPLOMA is one few trustworthy Certification bodies, that fulfills, all these years, the demands and requirements of the demanding area of Certifications.
Konstantinos Karavalis
Computer Science Professor
Transitional School of the Therapy Center
for Dependent Individuals Prevention Network

Dear all,
We would like to express our opinion about TEST4U, the simulation test that your company disposes.
Our authorized Examination Center CompuLearn at Porto Rafti, provides to our students (children, teenagers, adults) TEST4U as a learning and familiarization tool for the Microsoft Office (2007, 2010) Applications. We provide the opportunity for training at the same environment that they will be examined, so they practice properly, without stress, at their convenience due to the many obligations and their heavy schedule. The syllabus which is covered and the answers that are displayed in video help the students comprehend why their answer was wrong at the same moment they replied. The central statistics that come out of TEST4U help our instructors monitor the progress of the students and solve any gap which may appear during the lessons.
We mention indicatively the importance of TEST4U for the students of our Center, who on May the 3rd 2014 participated in the Championship, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religions at the headquarters of Microsoft Hellas; Our student, Giorgos Kosmas Antonopoulos was the 1st Greek Champion and the 4th World Champion for Word 200; he is student of the first grade and the one who represented our Country at USA.
In response to the wish of our students to take part in this years’ Greek and subsequent World Championship, which is organized again under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religions, your company has ensured the new version of TEST4U for Office 2013, so that the students can compete with comfort, with the additional knowledge that they will obtain.
We wouldn’t want to omit thanking the Technical Department for the immediate address and resolution of the technical problems that we faced; what is most important for our Computer School is the opportunity that you provide to (the younger mostly) students to report mistakes that according to their opinion are not precisely worded and your immediate and comprehensible answer for them.
In conclusion, TEST4U aims, in our opinion, to provide additional knowledge which ensures that the user of the Office Applications is confident about the result of the presence that he will create, at school, at the workplace and at the everyday life.
With Respect,
Georgia I. Bogri
In Charge of Computer School
Tel.: +30 22990 85 226

Useful for the Educational Center:
- We have been using TEST4U since 2008 at our Computer Center “Computers L@b Papagiannopoulos” in Larisa and we believe that not only it has helped our students pass the examinations, but also that it constitutes an indispensable part of our job as a practical means of computer learning. We have been using it at the interactive board in order to cover the difficult parts of the questions, so that all students can understand how to answer the question. What is really irreplaceable about TEST4U for us is the plethora of questions, divided into different categories, which allows us to focus right after the lesson on the question sets that the students might find a bit more difficult.
Useful for the Students:
- One of the most important benefits of the use of TEST4U is that the students end up being fully prepared for the certification examinations; the environment of TEST4U is the same as the examination environment. Of course, it could be the only test in the market that covers all the syllabus and perhaps even more. We often hear our students say that the examination was very easy because everything was very familiar from the test. What is more convenient for the students is the video-solutions feature; the video-solutions solve their inquires when they arrive for practice apart from the scheduled lessons. What they usually say is: “it’s ok, I understood better from the video”.
Technical Issues:
- All these years that we have been using TEST4U we haven’t faced almost any problem; it works just as we were promised that it would work. But even when it happened, the technical department found an immediate solution. Moreover, the test provides the option to continue right from where we were; this feature has “saved” us many times when our computers crashed.
Extra Features
- The extra feature of Central Statistics is very helpful in order to monitor the progress of our students, to see where they lack and the extra option of our own question set creation allows us to create a set of questions with all the difficult questions so that the student can master everything.
Ioannis Ch. Papagiannopoulos
in charge – Professor at Computers L@b Papagiannopoulos
73 Panagouli str., 41223 Larisa
Tel./Fax: +30 2410 233 080
Facebook Page

TEST4U is the most useful tool for my job, because it offers me the chance to diminish the education and learning time for my students, therefore cutting down on the operational expenses of the Computer School and the instructive cost of the professors, increasing at the same time the potentials and the functions that are offered to us, since it can offer quick learning on specific topics of the syllabus, with statistics per student and class, so that we can know the performance of each student and at the same time the mistakes or the empty spots at their knowledge depending on the module.
The use of the tool for adding questions allows us to add our own questions for all modules of the syllabus, thereby creating combinatory questions or augmented difficulty (trickier) questions.
It provides all the latest versions and the previous ones for a great variety of applications, either for Office applications (Microsoft, Libre, Open), or more specialized applications, such as learning AutoCad, joomla! and programming languages, databases and internet, such as SQL, CSS, PHP-HTML, Javascript.
The service of the company is exemplary and provides assistance whenever we need it.
Moreover, the technical department of the company has helped us eliminate technical problems that may appear any time, so that our Computer Center is functional immediately.
Our students are definitely satisfied by the function of TEST4U, the ease of the operation, the quick, in practice education and the training that it offers, the immediate preparation at a software very similar to the examination one, where they will participate, and also the use of video-solutions for the questions that they might make a mistake some time.
TEST4U has directly helped us so that there is 100% success at the examinations of the students of our Center.
Petros Zoulamoglou
In Charge of Computer Training Center e-4u
17 Eteokleous str., Thiva

A few words about TEST4U…well, this is difficult… I feel like I need to write an essay!!! Moreover, I don’t really know which application to select and write about, Microsoft office, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or even Google Docs, and all that because INFOLEARN (nothing is random INFORMATION and LEARN, a company that sets as priority and rule to provide the information to the user immediately, turning education into game) has taken good care to provide TEST4U, a basic tool for everyone, the simple user, the ignorant user, the demanding user, and also the professor who wants a tool in order to “show” easily what he wants, etc. and in the same time a system of knowledge evaluation.
Through the environment (commonly in-ates) of each application, one can learn and train empirically and easily. I could easily expand to the infinite features of all products one by one, because, I was lucky to have the chance and pleasure to see and use them from many different aspects…and luckily for the people of Infolearn I couldn’t find and flaws.
So, I want to thank you for your contribution to the education and qualification assessment, and also for the promotion of ideas that move us ahead compared to other countries!!! Keep doing the incredible work that you have been doing all those years dynamically and properly!!!

TEST4U software constitutes a basic tool for learning. It simplifies the procedure of learning the usage of a Computer both for the teachers and the students, whether they wish to acquire a certificate or just train themselves.

Up until now I have tried the automated tests for the modules Microsoft Word-Advanced level and Microsoft Powerpoint-Advanced level, with the aim to participate in the examination for the ECDL Advanced Certification.
The subjects were satisfactory for both modules and they covered a wide range of questions.
In general I consider that so far this is the best training software on the market for someone who wishes to practice for certification examinations and I will definitely buy training hours for the rest of the modules.
Ioannis Mpogdanos
Computer Science Teacher
TEST4U is the best learning platform because they give you hundreds of tests to do in the software program that you’re trying to learn and immediately, if you haven’t done it correctly, they show you, on video, how to correct yourself, how to learn a program. I’ve used it many many many times and I achieved my Word Certificate at a very high score because of them and I liked it so well that I’ve signed up for all of their programs. I totally recommend this type of learning form and I am totally pleased with their customer service. I encourage all of you, if you want to learn how to use a software program, to go through the TEST4U environment.
Amazing course! Exam questions were incredibly similar to this one. Course teaches you the software so thoroughly that the actual exam will seem super easy for you. It teaches you everything in depth and most importantly time management. I was mostly worried about time and I finished the exam in 35 minutes. Thank you for your support ️and wish you the best of luck.
Mariam Mtsariashvili
It’s simple to use, has a lot of different tasks, good looking interface and was of great help while I was preparing for the MOS 2018 World Championship.
Tarik Džambić