Be ready to ace the
Uber Analytics test
(v.3.1 & v.6.16)
with interesting practice tests, tasks and questions
instant video-assistance and
the privilege to practice on your own PC
by TEST4U,
the leading self-training platform
since 2003
TEST4U Practice tests and training material for Uber Analytics test at a glance
- Variety – Many exercises so as to be fully prepared!
- Help – incorporated Video Solutions, a unique one for each Question
- Training Hours – Purchase hours for practice according to your individual needs
- Unlimited Tests – No limit to the times a question runs, unlike competitive software
- Classification – Distinct subcategories
- Feedback – Immediate evaluation of answers
- Proof – TEST4U Certificate of completion once you successfully reach 90% of training – Share it on your social media accounts
- Flexibility – Practice on any Computer
- Updates – Free access to updates
Prepare to pass the Uber Analytics test
- Are you preparing for a job interview at Uber?
- Do you want to assess your skills for a test similar to the Uber Analytics test?
TEST4U is ideal for you, if you need to unlock the secrets, take advantage of all the powerful features included in Excel, and prepare to ace the test!
Regardless of:
- How familiar you are with working on Excel
- How much prior experience you have on Spreadsheet applications
- The Microsoft Excel version you have installed on your PC
- How long it was since you last took an exam
- How soon the test day may be
Supported training by TEST4U
Uber Analytics test
Live-in-the-application (Performance based) Questions
23 Questions
Quiz Questions
19 Questions
Unlock the secrets of the Uber Analytics test
Prepare to pass the Uber Analytics test with flying colors! The 2-hour test will challenge your skills in analyzing .csv files and answering some questions. Excel should be your best friend to help you reach the conclusions that are needed to answer correctly.

Basic Excel skills will prove insufficient
The level of Excel skills extends beyond core level. Advance skills in Pivot Tables and fixes in the formatting are required.
Uber uses a special terminology
You need to save time and be familiar with all the Uber terms and Operations beforehand.
Preparing for the Uber Analytics test can be challenging.
TEST4U provides a complete training system for the Uber Analytics test, targeted to candidates with at least the basic Excel skills, to cover the versions 3.1 and 3.16 of the Uber Analytics Test.
The course includes training on the Uber services, operations and vocabulary and insight on the rest of the interview process. During the innovative, hands-on training, TEST4U interacts with your installed Excel application. It is a special hands-on training software version, designed to equip you with the skills you need in order to perform basic or advanced tasks in Excel. In case of a wrongly submitted answer, you get instant feedback with the right steps to take.
Claiming that you are ready for the Uber Analytics test means that you need to:
- Know the Uber terminology and operations
- Know how to use the various options in Excel
- Bring the desired result within a reasonable timeframe
Yes, that’s a lot of hard work.
That’s why we designed TEST4U this way.
TEST4U helps you check all these points in a precise and structured approach.
With the unique functionality of performance-based training, TEST4U is the only resource you will need.
Because TEST4U:
- Monitors your results and you can view your progress
- Adjusts to the installed version of Microsoft Excel of your PC
- Gives you measurable results, so that you know how close you get to your goal
- Has categorized all practice questions into distinct sub-categories for targeted training
Trust the IT training experts
Those are just a few of the reasons why more than 1.000.000 users decided to trust TEST4U in the first place.
More than 91% of our customers have returned to TEST4U to purchase another training module.
What’s included in the Uber Analytics Prep Course?
The Course at a glance:
- UBER Services. Details on all UBER services
- UBER Vocabulary. Learn the vocabulary UBER uses in their test.
- UBER Interview Process. A complete walkthrough of your interview process.
- 20 UBER Essay Questions. 20 UBER Essay subjects like the ones you will face in the test for you to practice
- 4 presentations for the above subjects in PowerPoint or PDF format.
- 2 Practice Tests with multiple choice questions like the ones in the test
- 1 Practice test added as an update on March 2019 to cover the latest type of questions
- Detailed answers for all the questions of the Practice Tests
- 23 Assignments. During the test a lot of the questions will require to use Excel in order to answer them. We have included assignments similar to these questions.
- Approximately 30 downloadable Excel Files or CSVs. Each of the assignments require an Excel file or a CSV to solve them. We have included all these files in the assignments for you to practice on.
- Video Solutions for all 23 assignments. All assignments are accompanied with a video solution explaining the way to solve them
- 5 hours access to TEST4U training platform. You can download and install TEST4U for Windows (instructions in the last lecture)
- Online tool for instant and automatic assessment of the assignments unique in the Udemy universe. Use the link you will find as a resource in the last lecture to use our TEST4U online assessment tool to automatically and instantly get feedback on your assignments.

The Course in detail
Learn the Vocabulary UBER uses
You will learn about:
- Surge Pricing
- Eyes and Zeros
- Utilization
- And many more
Learn about the majority of the UBER Services
UBER is a global company and some services are not available in all countries or may have different names.
You will learn about:
- UberPOP
- UberPOOL
- Uber Everything
- UberRush
- UberEats
- And many more
You will learn about all the stages of the interview process and get tips for each one
You will learn about:
- The first interview
- The analytics test
- The second interview
- And the Panel interview
We have gathered 20 very interesting essay subjects along some general tips for the Essay questions.
Some examples of such Essay subjects are:
In no more than 5 sentences try to persuade a driver to join UBER.
What in your opinion are the key issues concerning sharing economy?
UberEATS service charges a delivery fee, which other food delivery services don’t charge. Make the argument to a potential customer, to justify this delivery fee.
And many more
The practice tests have questions tailored to cover every type of question UBER may ask you.
This is why we constantly update them.
The latest update in March 2019 doubled them in number.
If you feel, after taking the test, that you faced something that was not covered from our questions, contact us and we will update our questions to include it.
The 30 Excel or CSV files that are provided in the assignments are filled with real life data.
You can use them to answer the assignments although you can also keep them to practice on them and get comfortable with them
All assignments are accompanied by detailed video solutions.
We recommend you try to solve the assignments without viewing the solution.
This way you will better understand your limitations and be able to focus on them.
You can then see the video after you have solved it, to know if you answered the question correctly.
UBER has changed the scene, in public transport. In less than 8 years, it has spread its services to the whole world.
There are thousands of applicants trying to get a job in UBER.
That is why UBER developed an interview system to “thin out the herd”.
This interview process is quite hard, and an applicant needs all the help he can get to succeed.
The hardest part of this process is the UBER Analytics Test, which in fact is a mathematics test. This test is impossible to complete within the 2-hour time limit an applicant has, without extensive knowledge of Microsoft’s Excel.
The TEST4U team realized that there is a need for a complete Training system for the Uber Analytics Test, so we created the UBER Analytics Test, preparatory course.
It is targeted at people who have at least the basic skills in Excel, and it covers versions 3.1 & 6.16 of the UBER Analytics test.
If you do not believe you have the needed basic Excel skills, fear not. TEST4U has you covered with our Excel Training Course.
It consists of live questions, similar to those an applicant will face during the UBER Analytics Test.
This means that the trainee will have to answer these questions by using the actual Microsoft Excel application. Thus, being more prepared for the actual test.
Each question is accompanied by a brief video lesson, which explains a way to properly answer it.
The course also includes multiple choice questions similar to the ones in the actual test.
Slideshare presentations
To answer all these questions a trainee must be accustomed to the way UBER works, and to the specific terminology they use. Three PowerPoint presentations are included with our course to provide you with this invaluable knowledge.
- One explaining the interview process and what to expect on each of its steps.
- One explaining all the terminology and the vocabulary found in the UBER Analytics Test.
- One containing a lot of sample essay questions.
Click on the images to view the presentations
Essay questions are part of UBER Analytics Test, but can also be asked during the face-to-face interviews.
Since they are essay questions and MUST be answered subjectively, we haven’t included any sample answers to them.
If we did, there would be danger of repetition and plagiarism during the test, which would ultimately impact negatively on the applicant’s success.
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